Preparing Your Pet For An Emergency

Emergencies can happen at any time. Here are some tips on how to ensure your pet stays safe in the event of an emergency:

  1. Use a microchip with up-to-date contact information.
  2. Put a pet rescue decal on your door or window to let first responders know that a pet may be trapped inside.
  3. Know where your pet likes to hide when afraid or anxious. This can help you find them faster.
  4. Have a pet-friendly place in mind to go in case you need to leave your home during an emergency. Not all disaster relief places allow pets.
  5. Carry a hard copy picture of your pet in the event of separation.
  6. Take a pet carrier or crate with you for transport and safe keeping.
  7. Have a pet emergency kit handy in your car or home.

Your pet emergency kit should include:

  • Basic first aid supplies
  • Week long supply of bottled water and pet’s food
  • Safety harness and leash
  • Waste clean up supplies
  • Medications and copy of pet’s medical records
  • List of veterinarians and pet hospitals
  • List of pet’s feeding routine and any behavioral issues
  • Comfort items such as a blanket or favorite toy


We will get in touch via phone, email or text to discuss our Mobile Pet Grooming services.

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