Healthy Treats You CAN Share with Your Pets
“Don’t feed them people food!” You hear it all the time. Right? But are there people foods you can enjoy with your pet while also maintaining a healthy diet? Absolutely. (Note: Always check with your Veterinarian about your pet’s specific allergies or limitations). Remember, just because they can eat them doesn’t mean they will…they’re as picky as people sometimes. Also, quantity matters. Just because they can (or will) eat something listed, doesn’t mean portion control isn’t important.
Enjoy These Fruits & Veggies With Your Dog
Apples, Carrots, Bananas, Blueberries, Cantaloupe, Cucumbers, Mangos, Oranges, Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, Raspberries, Watermelon (source, American Kennel Club)
Other Human Foods Dogs Can Enjoy
Unsalted Peanut Butter, Plain Popcorn, White Rice (source Medical News Today)
Fruits & Veggies Cats MIGHT Eat
Apples (in moderation), Blueberries, Strawberries, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Bananas, Pumpkin, Cranberries (source The Wildest)
Other Human Foods Cats Can Enjoy
Cooked Lean Meats, Cooked Fish, Scrambled Eggs, Cucumbers, Steamed Broccoli, Peas, Carrots, Oatmeal, Rice, Spinach (source The Honest Kitchen)
If you look at the two lists, there are several overlapping foods your family can stock up on, focus on, and enjoy with your pets. “All things in moderation” is a good rule of thumb when feeding your pets. That said, these snacks can be healthy for the entire family.